English to Urdu Vocabulary

99 Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu Meanings


In this lesson, we will learn about all aliments and body conditions in English with Urdu/Hindi meanings. Here we’ll explore a vocabulary list of various health issues and diseases, along with their meanings in Urdu.

This lesson only aims to help you understand and communicate about common and ongoing illnesses by providing simple answers in both English and Urdu. By the end of the lesson, you will be better able to recognize and discuss these health issues. This lesson is meant to be accessible and simple to all learners.

What are Aliments & Body Conditions?

Ailments: Minor illnesses or disorders, such as colds, headaches, or stomach aches.

Body Conditions: Various physical states and diseases that can affect the body, including chronic or serious conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease.

Aliments and Body Conditions

Here we are going to learn all kinds of aliments and body conditions in English with Urdu meanings. We will also share with you example sentences of each aliment and body condition. So stay with us at the end of this lesson and learn about these health issues. Let’s begin!

Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu

  • Syphilis – آتشک
  • Tears – آنسو
  • Dropsy – استسقى
  • Voice – آواز
  • Fever – بخار
  • Piles – بواسیر
  • Bronchitis – پھیپھڑوں کا ورم
  • Sweat – پسینہ
  • Lunacy – پا گل پن
  • Dysentery – پیچش
  • Pimple – پھنسی، مہاسہ
  • Urine – پیشاب
  • Pericarditis – پرده دل
  • Spittle – تھوک
  • Chill – ٹھنڈ
  • Yawning – جمائی
  • Obesity – چر بی چڑھنا
  • Sneezing – چھینکنا
  • Abortion – حمل گرانا
  • Anaemia – خون کی کمی
  • Asthma – دمه
  • Headache – دردسر
  • Motion – دست
  • Lean – دبلا
  • Long-sighteness – دور کی نگاہ کمزور ہوتا
  • Belching – ڈکار
  • Coryza – زکام
  • Sore – زخم
  • Blind – اندھا، نابینا
  • Hernia – آنت اترنا
  • Eczema – داد
  • Influenza – انفلوئنزا
  • Indigestion – بد ہضمی
  • Phlegm – بلغم، کف
  • Disease – بیماری
  • Stone – پتھری
  • Mad – پاگل
  • Pus – پیپ مواد
  • Thirst – پیا س
  • Boil – پھوڑا
  • Stool – پاخانه
  • Hymen vaginale – پردہ بکارت
  • Tuberculosis – تپ دق
  • Acidity – جلن، تیزابیت
  • Giddiness – چکر آنا
  • Hurt – چوٹ
  • Smallpox – چیچک
  • Scabies – خارش
99 Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu Meanings
Body Conditions with Urdu Meanings

Aliments & Body Conditions Sentences_1

  • Syphilis: Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Tears: Her tears were a sign of sadness.
  • Dropsy: Dropsy causes swelling due to fluid retention.
  • Voice: His voice echoed through the room.
  • Fever: A high fever often accompanies the flu.
  • Piles: Piles can be painful and itchy.
  • Bronchitis: Bronchitis makes breathing difficult.
  • Sweat: Exercise makes you sweat.
  • Lunacy: There are treatments for lunacy.
  • Dysentery: Dysentery causes severe diarrhea.
  • Pimple: She had a big pimple on her forehead.
  • Urine: The doctor checked his urine sample.
  • Pericarditis: Pericarditis can cause chest pain.
  • Spittle: He wiped the spittle from his mouth.
  • Chill: He felt a sudden chill down his spine.
  • Yawning: Yawning is contagious.
  • Obesity: Obesity can lead to health problems.
  • Sneezing: She couldn’t stop sneezing.
  • Abortion: The decision to have an abortion is personal.
  • Anaemia: Anaemia results in low red blood cells.
  • Asthma: Asthma makes breathing difficult.
  • Headache: A strong headache kept him awake.
  • Motion: The car’s motion lulled her to sleep.
  • Lean: He preferred to lean against the wall.
  • Long-sightedness: Long-sightedness requires glasses for close work.
  • Belching: He couldn’t help belching loudly after dinner.
  • Coryza: Coryza causes nasal congestion.
  • Sore: He had a sore throat.
  • Blind: The accident left him blind in one eye.
  • Hernia: Surgery can repair a hernia.
  • Eczema: Eczema causes itchy, red skin.
  • Influenza: Influenza can spread rapidly.
  • Indigestion: Spicy food can cause indigestion.
  • Phlegm: He coughed up thick phlegm.
  • Disease: Vaccines help prevent disease.
  • Stone: She had a kidney stone.
  • Mad: The dog went mad during the thunderstorm.
  • Pus: The wound oozed yellow pus.
  • Thirst: He quenched his thirst with water.
  • Boil: She had a painful boil on her arm.
  • Stool: The doctor examined his stool sample.
  • Hymen vaginale: The doctor explained about hymen vaginale.
  • Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection.
  • Acidity: Acidity can cause heartburn.
  • Giddiness: She felt giddiness after the roller coaster ride.
  • Hurt: His words caused her deep hurt.
  • Smallpox: Smallpox was eradicated through vaccination.
  • Scabies: Scabies causes intense itching.

Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu

  • Bleeding – خون کا بہنا
  • Diarrhea – دست آنا
  • Pain – درد
  • Loose-stool – ڈھیلا پاخانہ
  • Ringworm – داد کی بیماری
  • Psychosis –  دماغ کی پریشانی
  • Heart – دل
  • Wound – زخم
  • Diabetes – زيا بيطس
  • Delivery – زچگی
  • Breath – سانس
  • Brain – سر کا اندرونی حصہ مغز
  • Gonorrhoea – سوزاک
  • Plague – طاعون
  • Vomit – قے کرنا
  • Typhus – کالا بخار
  • Hunchback – کبڑا
  • Cough – کھانسی
  • Cancer – کینسر زہر باد
  • Heapatitis – لیور (جگر) کی بیماری
  • Griping – مروڑ اینٹھن
  • Acne – مہاسوں کی بیماری
  • Cataract – موتیا بند
  • Epistaxis – نکسیر
  • Narcolepsy – نیند کی بیماری
  • Fistula – ناسور
  • Hiccup – ہچکی
  • Jaundice – یر قان
  • Albino – سفید داغ برص
  • Leucorrhoea – سیلان الرحم
  • Ague – سرد بخار
  • Health – صحت
  • Stature – قد
  • Constipation – قبض
  • One-eyed – کانا
  • Leprosy – کوڑھ
  • Itch – کھجلی
  • Bald – گنجا
  • Sunstroke – لو لگنا
  • Wart – مسا
  • Epilepsy – مرگی
  • Typhoid – موتی جھارا
  • Sprain – نس چڑھنا موج
  • Sleep – نیند
  • Swelling – ورم
  • Cholera – ہیضہ
99 Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu Meanings
A to Z Body Conditions

Aliments & Body Conditions Sentences_2

  • Bleeding: Apply pressure to stop bleeding from the cut.
  • Diarrhea: He had to stay home due to diarrhea.
  • Pain: She winced in pain when she stubbed her toe.
  • Loose-stool: Loose-stool can be a sign of illness.
  • Ringworm: Ringworm causes itchy, circular rashes.
  • Psychosis: Psychosis requires medical attention.
  • Heart: The heart pumps blood throughout the body.
  • Wound: Clean the wound with antiseptic.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes requires monitoring blood sugar levels.
  • Delivery: The baby’s delivery went smoothly.
  • Breath: Take deep breaths to relax.
  • Brain: The brain controls thinking and movement.
  • Gonorrhoea: Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Plague: The plague spread quickly in medieval times.
  • Vomit: She felt nauseous and started to vomit.
  • Typhus: Typhus is transmitted by lice.
  • Hunchback: He had a noticeable hunchback.
  • Cough: A persistent cough can be a symptom of illness.
  • Cancer: Early detection is key in treating cancer.
  • Hepatitis: There are vaccines for viral hepatitis.
  • Griping: He complained of griping stomach pains.
  • Acne: Acne can be treated with medication.
  • Cataract: Cataract surgery improves vision.
  • Epistaxis: Apply pressure to stop epistaxis.
  • Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy causes sudden sleep attacks.
  • Fistula: A fistula requires surgical treatment.
  • Hiccup: Drinking water can help stop hiccups.
  • Jaundice: Jaundice causes yellowing of the skin.
  • Albino: He was born with albino features.
  • Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea can indicate infection.
  • Ague: Ague causes recurring fever and chills.
  • Health: Good health requires a balanced diet.
  • Stature: His stature made him stand out.
  • Constipation: Eat fiber to prevent constipation.
  • One-eyed: He wore an eyepatch as he was one-eyed.
  • Leprosy: Leprosy is curable with medication.
  • Itch: Use lotion to relieve the itch.
  • Bald: He became bald as he aged.
  • Sunstroke: Sunstroke can occur in hot weather.
  • Wart: She had a small wart on her finger.
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy can be controlled with medication.
  • Typhoid: Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria.
  • Sprain: Rest and ice to heal a sprain.
  • Sleep: Good sleep is essential for health.
  • Swelling: Apply ice to reduce swelling.
  • Cholera: Clean water prevents cholera outbreaks.
99 Aliments and Body Conditions with Urdu Meanings
List of Diseases Names


In the end, this lesson gave you a useful list of words related to health problems and diseases in English with Urdu meanings. Learning these words about health will help you identify and talk about different health issues more easily, whether minor or more serious. This understanding is critical for taking care of your health and communicating with others.

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